The Day After a Vacation

Awhile back I discovered the  joys of taking an extra day off whenever I go on vacation.  Too many times I’d get home from a trip one day and go back to work the next without that feeling of relaxation that should have lingered as a result of my time off.  I’d spend my time at work trying to figure out how I was going to “catch up” on chores, how I was going to fit grocery shopping in and just feeling like I should never have gone away in the first place because there was far too much to do when I came back.  Something had to change.

When we were planning a trip a few years ago we ended up planning to come home in the early morning hours because it was less expensive than flying home mid-afternoon.  It was awesome!  I had time to relax, come back to normal life and get the things done I needed to get done to be in my right mind all week.  The biggest downside to flying home so early was that I had to get up even earlier in the day… and man, do I hate getting up early.

That’s when I came up with the awesome idea to take an extra day off work.  That’s what today is, you know.  My extra day off work.  It’s my chance to relax in the quiet, shop for groceries, run errands, handle general household cleaning stuff, and generally prepare myself for another busy week at work.

The only problem is that I don’t really want to do any of that stuff today.  OK, maybe the laundry will get done.  I might even do some ironing.  I’ll definitely relax.  But the rest usually involves driving and there’s a light on my dashboard that I don’t want to deal with.  *insert wining tone here*

Oh well.  Time to put on my big girl panties and deal with it, right?  I have to deal with it if I want to drive to work tomorrow.  *sigh*  Well, let me put my feet up for 15 more minutes and then I’ll get started.  Dealing with it sooner is better than dealing with it later.

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