Don’t wanna

I’m already feeling stressed from the requests for my time.  *sigh* 

Tomorrow I’m supposed to do some grocery shopping, go to the SLIS orientation, and then pick up my mom and head across the bay to Safari Run for my nephew’s birthday party.  Once that’s done, I still have to cook dinner, clean up, and sort laundry for Monday.  Then Monday, I have to do the laundry, read for school, cook, and do other duties as assigned. 

Normally all this stuff wouldn’t bug me, after all this is what I’d be doing anyway.  I think it might just be that I HAVE to do it, even though there are other things I’d rather be doing.  *sigh*

If I were a kid I’d be throwing a tantrum right now.  But, since I’m an adult I can’t.  Ugh.  Sometimes being an adult sucks.

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