DH Cooked: Egg Breakfast

DH and I thought that it wouldn’t be fair to discard a cookbook without trying to cook something from each section.  So, he chose to make an egg breakfast thing.  The cookbook called it eggs rancheros, but it didn’t look like any kind of eggs rancheros I’ve ever seen.


This recipe required minced jalapeno, diced bell pepper, chopped tomato and chopped onion.  Saute everything except the tomato in a little oil until the onion is translucent.

Egg Mixture

Add the tomato, scrambled eggs (a lot of them!) and some cream. Finely chop a half a bunch of cilantro.  Toss it into the egg mixture.


Scramble until the eggs are cooked.  This is almost impossible to do if you add too much cream, or if the liquid hasn’t cooked out of the vegetables.  Serve with some freshly fried corn tortilla strips.

This was a little too wet for me.  DH thought it was bland and added some tabasco sauce to it.  I could see us making it again, but only if we made it spicier and were able to cook all of the liquid out.

1 Comment

  1. I make a very similar egg scramble often! I typically mix a little 1/2 & 1/2 with the eggs in a bowl before I pour them into the pan. Just beat it together lightly with a fork.

    I also add chili powder and andouille chicken sausage (cut up). Neil always wants me to use chorrizo which would also be excellent. Also, instead of diced tomatoes, you could use pre-made salsa. 🙂 Now I’m hungry!!!

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