Hmmm… Disney? Vegas?

Those of you that know me know that I love Las Vegas.  You also know that my hunny loves Disneyland.  So, in spite of school and all the costs that go along with moving out, my hunny and I are trying to plan a trip to each of these locales this year. 

This year, however, we want to do things a bit differently from previous years; we want some of our friends to come too.  Usually it’s just the two of us and after 12 years together there’s only so much time you can spend one-on-one before you get sick of seeing each other, hence our idea to bring some friends.  So, we’re going to try for Disneyland in February and Vegas in March. 

My hunny always laughs at me when I’m planning a trip.  I become obsessive about finding the best deal possible.  I look at review sites like TripAdvisor (where I’m a member) and compare prices among the different vacation searches to see if that cheap hotel is really such a great deal.  Then I find cheap things to do, cheap places to eat, and come up with an itinerary that incorporates the things each of us want to do.  It seems a little crazy, but it works out in the end…  I know how much we’re going to spend almost down to the penny!

So, if I seem a bit more distracted than normal it’s because I’m dreaming of possible vacation destinations.  What’s your favorite place to vacation?  What are the best activities to do there?


  1. Hello

  2. Two fav vacation spots: Lake Tahoe in winter and anytime in Kona on the Big Island. We couldn’t go to LT this year and went to Carmel instead. Unfortunately, it was raining. I should say storming and we ended up in the motel without electricity. Trees were down and flooding was a concern. It was still beautiful but a little too chi-chi for me.

  3. My favorite short vacations are wine country. Good places for long drives or bike rides. You can always find good food . Usually we can find some place to hear music. And there is wine, of course. It is good for a short trip, but it can be really relaxing for a longer trip too.

  4. I’ve been to Tahoe a couple of times, and Napa once. Both were fun. I’ve never been to Hawaii though… my best friend got to go to Kauai twice in 3 months a couple years ago – lucky butt!

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